Originally Posted by MumOfThree
Smacca we are thinking very seriously of having our eldest do yr7 twice, as she changed schools, for exactly the reasons you outline. She's far from pg bu she absolutely doesn't need to repeat academically.

I'm not sure I could do it for DS4, though he's going to school in the same district my husband and I did. The full-time G/T program doesn't exist anymore. At this point, he'll be entering K next year, reading at... well, I don't know where, but he's reading second-grade early chapter books (Fly Guy and the like) with spot-on comprehension right now, so... yeah. He also still throws tantrums, totally misses social clues as far as annoying people goes, and would happily spend the rest of his life zooming cars around the house.

*sigh* I don't want to hold him back academically because of his emotional immaturity (or... whatever you call it), but I also don't want to get him in over his head, socially or responsibility-wise, because his academic/cognitive abilities are so beyond his ability to cope with life.