What would I have done differently? Gah. For each mistake my parents made they also did an unusually good job of providing a tool to help frame and cope with my life... They did their best. A little less assumption that I could do anything I wanted to do and would succeed at anything without any support or guidance would not have gone astray.

For my own kids. I wish I could unread "Raising Your Spirited Child" and get back all the years I normalised how not NT my eldest child was. I wish, when holding her back was on the table in yr2 that we had. Yes she'd be ahead academically now (which is what we could all see coming and why school backflipped on holding her back), but nothing comes easy to her and I think social fit will matter more to her than academic fit in highschool. She's never going to be better off being young for grade. I wish we had not pulled her out of fancy private and moved her to local public, not that we had any real choice, but this is about wishes and fishes right?

I wish that when fancy private preschool/school refused to accelerate DD#2 into school 6 months early, that instead of smiling and nodding and trusting them (while crying at home over how she was crying at home), I had smiled and nodded and made a beeline to my local public, where she is currently grade skipped and far better off, and we are not paying for her to be miserable.

So there you have it, I have one I should have held back, one I should have pushed ahead earlier. One that was better off at fancy private and one that is better off at local public. And a 2.5yr old I have absolutely no idea what to do with.

My "What would I do differently?" won't even help me with my own third child, so I am not sure it's of any use to anyone else...