This is really interesting. I don't think there is anything I could have done different to "save" myself as a child. Nothing *I* could have done would have helped me and my situation. The best I could have told myself was that it would get much better and try to let myself know that I didn't fit in because I'm different in a good way. I'm not broken or defective. I learn more quickly and think more deeply. I wish someone would have just told me that. Even my mom acted like I was defective.

I only have a 22 month old, so who knows what I'll regret. So far I do NOT regret coming into this already aware of some of the signs of giftedness and of doing research once I saw where DD was at. My mom (we're around her a lot) sees some negative traits in DD (as she did me) where I see positive traits - I see signs of intelligence and a deeper level of thought and feeling than anyone else gives DD credit for. I'm able to see her as "spirited", instead of "too much", and know that "too much" is a good thing to be. I'm always there letting people know when they're underestimating her just because she looks like a baby, and DD benefits. I'm the one who says "Let her try".

Everyone should have faith in their child and see the good in them, but I see elements of myself as a child and I want DD to feel loved and accepted as she is. I'll be battling my own perfectionism, but I hope I can be a good role model...

Last edited by islandofapples; 10/28/12 08:08 PM.