What WOULD I have done with me? Not a clue, which is unfortunate because my older son is a lot like I was.

I was a smart kid who was very immature and cried at the drop of a hat, and was/is probably ADD-inattentive as well. In retrospect, it probably would have been best to hold me back a year and put me in the G/T program (husband went through it... it was pretty great and very responsive to student needs; they had teachers coming in from the junior high/high school for the kids who needed more challenge above and beyond what the rest of the kids needed). I was just emotionally younger than all my age peers, and would have floundered in the program "on grade level" because of my social/maturity issues.

But who thinks of doing that? Holding a kid back is not something that's done to someone who's doing fine academically, and I'm sure it would have caused its own boatload of issues. And it's not like I was putting off all kinds of academic high-flyer signals. I was an early and voracious reader, but performed at the "moderately above grade" level that put me solidly with the "high" reading group (college town, upper-middle-class neighborhood, etc). I struggled with math, though I'm not sure why as I've discovered in the years since that I actually kind of enjoy it.

So... what does one do with an under-performing, inattentive, immature, overly-sensitive kid? I can't be too grouchy at my parents because I myself can't come up with a solution that would have "fixed" me. Homeschooling, maybe, except my mom and I didn't get along so that would have been an unmitigated disaster.