I would spend less time biting my tongue out of fear of being labeled "that parent." I would be less likely to take 'no' for an answer when my gut told me there was a problem. If the pediatrician wouldn't send us for an OT eval I would have sought out the school district or tested on my own rather than wait THREE YEARS for the eval because "she's just SO far ahead of the curve that age appropriate seems like a deficit even when it's not." I would research dyslexia on my own rather than accept that you can't diagnose it in a kid that young and accept that she was just SO smart she clearly just wasn't emotionally ready to deal with her advanced abilities. I would have reported the horrible regional magnet that traumatized DD and led to her anxiety diagnosis the FIRST time they penalized her for her deficits. And I would have made them explain to the Dept of Ed why they refused to accommodate documented deficits or agree to do spec ed testing because "she'd never qualify - she's too smart."

Most, if not all, of my regrets come from the 2E side. I don't know if I would have regretted things associated with the giftedness if we didn't have the 2nd E in the mix...