If I coud change something about my past, I 'd tell my parents to find me somehting interesting to do. Seriously, man. My dad tried.

I'd have probably skipped me or something.

My mother gave the message "you shouldn't havw to think or try, you're so smart" explicitely. A lot. Yeah, that was bad. The bit about making sure I didn't have to know my math facts by getting a drs note... BAD. Making me drop math in 9 th grade because I was auful at math facts (see prev) and you didn't get it that 9x.7 %ile in matematicla reasoning is a decent score for that sort of thing... Oy. Maybe my dad just should have gotten custody!

My dad should have trusted how smart.... And also Wise he was. He should have come on some internet forum and sorted himself out.... Erm... Uh... Ok problem there. He should have found a psych and... Oh, yeah, he tried, but they were all "kinda dull". Mmmmm. Erg, hmmmmmmm.

Also, those guys over there at the nuke plant where I did my intership in phys/chem in highschool. You should have EXPLAINED the damned experiment to me. I retrospect, I get it and it wa really kinda neat. I did ASK, you know. And now I have sokooooooo many more questions.....

My kids are too young for the other part of the assignment to apply wink

Last edited by Michaela; 10/28/12 08:25 PM.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!