Originally Posted by JonLaw
Originally Posted by Cricket2
Of course, as a Mensa member, I may be more sensitive to comments about adults not joining clubs based on IQ wink . Mensa has over 50,000 members in the US, so some of us have obviously found something other than bragging rights from joining. Most of my acquaintances, co-workers, etc. aren't aware that I'm a member, though. I don't go around wearing Mensa logo attire.

Mensa always struck me as a group for unfocused intelligent underachievers.

Otherwise, you would be getting sufficient intellectual stimulation from your professional peers and, therefore, not have a reason to join Mensa.

I'm not a Mensa member. I have thought about joining the Triple Nine Society - I noticed they have a LinkedIn group and I'm somewhat bored, in general. I don't currently belong to any high I.Q. groups.

DS10 has been a member of Mensa since he was 4 or 5. I always think we'll have some interesting Young Mensans thing to attend or that I'd feel bad to cancel the membership. I know other parents that have purchased the Lifetime Membership for their child. DH thinks they should be solving the world's problems, instead they focus all that brain power on a Sudoku Special Interest Group, Crossword Puzzles or Watching Old Movies SIG... lol

And of course saying "this kid's in Mensa?!?" when he does something questionable is kind of worth the price of admission! lol

You want to find a REALLY interesting and under-identified group of gifted underachievers? Hang out with us artists. Everyone I know in the arts is brilliant, crazy and could have used help as kids - the kind of help we get for our kids when we have them tested, label them gifted and get them into programs that challenge and enrich them in their education! All of these people I mention fell through the cracks, were labeled weird, became slackers...it's a shame! Of course, DH has a theory on that one too. If they had the meds in the past that they have now we may not have had all the wonderful paintings, scultpture, poetry and music we've had through the centuries!

so to me the label gifted can mean saving a kid from falling through the cracks and becoming a slacker/underachiever and/or depressed individual.