Originally Posted by aculady
How I managed this was to look for activities that would tend to attract gifted kids like my son, and then take my son to them. Like magic, the parents of those kids seemed to be a lot more like intellectual peers to me, on average. Choosing to visit the playground near the local university's married student housing was a good bet, too.

Yes, all of that. I would also suggest taking the lead in starting conversations on nonparenting topics - on books or whatever - it may not be most but you will find moms who are very happy to escape conversations about sippy cups. If you hit it off be prepared to invite people to meet you at a children's museum or to come over for a play date.

I would also suggest looking for friends in other places too. Taking classes in something that interests you can be helpful. As far as hobbies, I've noticed a lot of brainy women knit. It is a hobby that lends itself well to chatting. "Stitch and B*tch" groups are a great place to start. Check out the regional forums on Ravelry.com too.