Originally Posted by islandofapples
I'm a stay at home mom. I don't even have professional peers and a lot of SAHMs don't. Are we underachieving? Am I supposed to magically find another mama on the playground who wants to have deep philosophical conversations with me while we watch our kids play on the jungle gym?

Yes! and when you find out how, can you tell me?

Originally Posted by aculady
I would argue that most adults do choose their associations in large part based on IQ, but they don't acknowledge it or even realize it because the overlap between IQ and what people find interesting is so great. How many low-IQ physics Ph.D.s do you honestly think there are? My son found most of the kids he knows around his age who might be considered "intellectual peers" by participating in a community theater group doing Shakespeare productions. The "shared interest" was also a filter that selected in favor of higher IQ.

I agree with this! And in connection with the quote above, a SAH Mom with not much time for other interests can find the world a pretty lonely place. (especially if you add in playground polotics)

Everyone wants people who "get them". Being gifted is about how your brain is wired and its pretty hard for people to get you if their brain isn't wired somewhat similarly.