Originally Posted by passthepotatoes
Originally Posted by islandofapples
Am I supposed to magically find another mama on the playground who wants to have deep philosophical conversations with me while we watch our kids play on the jungle gym?

I wouldn't say magically, but I would say that depending on where you live you may not find it that difficult to find bright SAHMs. It is probably harder if you live in a city where a lot of people have nannies or use child care.

I won't say it was magic - I worked at it hard - but I was able to find quite a few very bright SAHM to hang around with. They tend to gravitate to certain types of kids' activities. I realized I needed SAHM friends so I pushed myself to join organizations and ask people over for playdates.

Yes, I've had some amazing conversations with random moms in the park. Usually they were interested in finding out more about gifted testing & schools for their own child that they suspected was gifted too!

I found this interesting: When DS10 was born (he was my first) I was exclusively breastfeeding and joined a breastfeeding support group at the local hospital. I became friends with 3 other moms (we are still friends) and each of us were different ages, maybe a 10 year age span, from different backgrounds from blue collar to upper middle class to wealthy. All 4 of our children (that were the babies in that group) are gifted. Differently gifted ranging from 135-160 on WISC testing. 2 were identified as gifted early (before age 2) one was tested "for the heck of it" because the mom was curious (135, goes to regular public school, no services or gifted acknowledgment) and the last was ID'd in 4th grade after a rocky road in elementary school (and my pushing her to test, she tested in the mid-140s and is much happier in school now that she is getting enrichment) DH said "how can all of these kids be gifted, is it the breastfeeding?" I figured the 4 of us gravitated to each other because we were similar in the IQ dept even though we appeared to have so many outward differences. Also, the fact that we all were interested in breastfeeding, finding support groups, etc. If we were strangers pushing our kids on swings at the park we would have probably had some interesting conversations smile As far as activities you are right. Anyone go to Music Together? I met a lot of other intelligent moms at activities like that too smile