Originally Posted by JonLaw
Originally Posted by islandofapples
Wow. That was harsh. What sort of career would one need to be in to get this intellectual stimulation you speak of?
I'm a stay at home mom. I don't even have professional peers and a lot of SAHMs don't. Are we underachieving? Am I supposed to magically find another mama on the playground who wants to have deep philosophical conversations with me while we watch our kids play on the jungle gym?

I was thinking about Academia/Medicine/Law. I wasn't trying to be harsh. After all, I'm an unfocused underachiever.

I was envisioning a Physics Ph.D. with a "Mensa Member" sign on his door. The rest of the faculty would be laughing at him behind his back. Not the best career move.
I actually work in the medical field part-time. I'm an educator at a hospital along with my side interests wink. Maybe if I was a physician or hung out solely with the higher level clinicians, I'd find those intellectual peers there, but I'm not sure. I generally found that I had better luck meeting friends when I lived in the SF Bay area.

Our local Mensa group that gets together periodically has, of those I've met, a lawyer, a university professor, and other professionals along with single parents who aren't working in their dream careers, and those of us who fall in between somewhere. I'll freely admit to being someone unhappy with my current professional trajectory which is why I am doing other things I enjoy more in my freetime such as writing and website stuff for gifted kids.