
Pick a subject, any subject... Pull something out of the subject that comes up and follow it. It doesn't have to be concrete.

We love to garden, have a huge one every year. All of my kids help, even the little ones.

Plant a garden with your DS. That's science.
Then follow the line.....
To botany, how a plant is formed
To recycling, how to compost, to other types of recycling
To solar power, greenhouses
To Global Warming, the grrenhouse effect
To Growing food, the world food supplies
To what different countries eat
pick a country, do a report on their food supply
To the food chain

This method will go wherever you want to take it. We've even had discussions regarding vocabulary that was unfamiliar. Once we spent over 2 hours looking up the origin of different words. There really isn't any "right" way, you just follow the line, even if it's a connection that only you or your son can see.

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!