My son (6) saw some homeschooling books i had bought and became very excited. Every day, he begs to be homeschooled. My husband isn't completely on board with this idea. He says that one of the reasons he can't totally endorse it is because all of my books written by pro-homeschoolers and none are available from the opposite perspective. Does anyone know of a homeschooling book written by someone who doesn't support it?

My husband is highly gifted and has his own ideas about how we should educate our son (i.e., our son should learn how to complete the "boring" schoolwork and then enjoy the rest of his school day). I am not highly gifted, but I consider myself highly street/people smart and feel like I am better at understanding our son's unique challenges (i.e., he shouldn't have to settle for boredom). All that being said, my husband has agreed to support me in homeschooling if I make that choice. However, I'd really like it to be a joint decision, since that is our standard parenting model.

Regarding the original post, I have the same problem with my son, he refuses to give feedback on a chapter from Judy Moody by claiming he doesn't know why the title is called that, or whatever, but we can cover a fifth grade curriculum on how the Internet started and he can answer every question, and give great overall feedback. So....I can totally relate.