We're having similar struggles Lori H. Sigh..... In our case, the plan was to only HS for 3rd,4th and put him back in 5th grade. At the point, it was recommended to me, to insist/demand the school give him the end of year 6th grade test. IF he did well enough, he'd go into 7/8th grade math as a 6th grader as well put him on honors science track. So I do feel this need to stay on a school schedule. While I see posts about HSers who hated writing and DC did NO writing until college and did just fine....I'm not that confidant lol. I just don't know if my DS is a good unschooling candidate. I've seen posts by those who tried it for quite a long time and Dkids didn't thrive and really needed more structure. I like the idea of Bravewriter for instance that emphasizes narration, copywork, dictation once/twice per week at this age but I'd be fooling myself to think DS would voluntarily do those activities.

I also have a 2yr old so I'm constantly being pulled between the two. I also have a Ker in PS who is having issues. It's not exactly a relaxing, stress-free household. frown

Edited to add: I don't mean to compare my stress to yours Lori H. I don't even think I would have attempted HSing under those conditions! I'm glad things are going so much better and that your DH is a survivor!

Last edited by Dazed&Confuzed; 03/11/09 04:03 PM.