Just an update-- I had the meeting with the school and wound up agreeing to set aside my plans to homeschool for the rest of the year.

I had the teacher, the principal, and the guidance counselor all staring at me in stunned disbelief.

You're going to do...what?

I don't think anyone's ever voluntarily left this school before.

We are going to try an onslaught of positivity with him instead-- to try to ease the intense anxiety which seems to undermine his efforts.

They are going to let him type his work and might even get him his own little hand-held word processing machine.

I will just have to make more time to afterschool him and feed his other passions and keep his love of learning alive.

I'm still reading The Well Trained Mind and making plans to systematize what I teach him... so all these suggestion were still really helpful... it may still happen.