Hi all,
Well, I have alluded to my temptation to HS on numerous posts, and now I am almost there. I have a meeting with the principal/guidance counselor/& teacher at my son's school to discuss how they can meet my son's learning needs, but I can't imagine a good resolution coming from this meeting... though I am trying to be open-minded.

Here's an example of how school affects him: over the weekend he brought home some "reading workshop" work he hadn't completed in class (because he's missed so much school lately)... because he has such difficulty writing, the teacher said it would be ok for him to dictate his answers to me. At the end of chapter 1 of this book, he was supposed to answer some questions-- describing the characters mostly. Easy stuff. But he became very anxious and fidgety and did not seem to understand the questions, which frustrated me and caused an argument between us. Later in the weekend he sat down and read a much more difficult book (a Roaold Dahl book) in one sitting, and when I asked similar (or actually harder) questions about the characters and their motivations, his answers were immediate and elaborate. No anxiety. No arguments. My intepretation: anything school-related provokes anxiety and causes him to shut down.

Also he has these weird health problems that make it very dangerous to be exposed to strep...

Anyway, I want him out.

I'm just so tired of everything with my son being negative, problems, etc. I want the joy back!

But I feel like I have no plan. Can HSers out their describe how they spend their day...Where do you get the curriculum materials? How much $$ do you spend? How much do you let your child's interest drive the curriculum? Do you use tutors? Honestly, do you feel overwhelmed? Does your spouse support you?

Sorry for another long post, but thanks.