My DH wasn't totally on board with homeschooling when I first brought it up as an option. He totally gets it now and sees how much better this is for DS compared to our current local school options. He need only page through the pile of books we're working on. We're about to go spend a week in DC which would not be doing if we were in regular school. And I can't say enough how little "work" it feels like we do. Maybe 1-2 hours a day. DS has learned typing and programming this year, completely on his own, among other things he's just picked up.

Last night we were at a neighborhood event where my 2nd grader ran into a former classmate in K and 1st. This little boy really likes my son and hassled him about coming back to school. DS eventually said "When I homeschool, I get to learn things I didn't already know. There's no way I'm coming back!" Sometimes kids can say things best!