Originally Posted by Irena
Originally Posted by eco21268
Fact is, the two most important "accommodations" in his 504 are not accommodations at all. They describe professional, responsible teacher behaviors of 1) keeping grade-book up to date by putting in assignments as they are made and 2) responding to my email.

Yeah, I actually was thinking this as I was reading your posts. What your son needs and what you are asking for is really just " professional, responsible teacher behavior."

Bear with me for a minute on this one - I might sound slightly off my rocker and/or non-sympathetic, but this is something we've struggled with quite a bit (not updating online grade books and teachers who don't respond to email)... so yeah, you might think I'm nuts after you read what I'm thinking, but here it is:

After knowing quite a few teachers and having been through many different teachers as my kids move through secondary school, I think that it's important to remember that teachers have a responsibility to grade fairly, give feedback to students, but I don't necessarily think it's a responsibility to update online grade books by a certain date or answer each and every email a parent sends (unless their prinicipal/school district requires it). Each of us has a different way we choose to approach our jobs, and teachers aren't any different. My ds has some teachers who update the online grade books promptly and others who don't, and at the end of the day, he's only had one real struggle that I would say is due to teacher blatantly not caring to update a gradebook. Some teacher simply have different ways of managing their duties, and yet they are still being responsible and for most kids it can work out a-ok. That *is* why students with organizational skills challenges and EF challenges do need accommodations. If a particular teacher isn't upholding their agreed-upon accommodation (gradebook entries or answering emails), it's time to call a 504 update meeting with that teacher and either reinforce the agreement so it sticks or consider that there might be a slightly different way to approach the accommodation in that class yet accomplish the same objective.

Hope that makes sense!
