Originally Posted by eco21268
We've tried "contain the snark" ... I wish I could accelerate DS' maturity process, though.


Oh my gosh eco - you are living my (snark-filled) life.

I made the awful-in-hindsight decision to let DS7 watch a Mystery Science Theater 3000 version of a Godzilla movie. He loved it sooooo much. Over the next couple weeks, I let him watch a couple more - the dreadful Master Ninja and Santa Claus Conquers Mars.

It was fun to listen to him belly laugh. But then ... the snark started. To be clear - the snark with NO FILTER. Snarky asides during reading time at school. Snarky asides at dinner. Snarky asides while playing basketball. Snarky asides during conversations re "cut the snark."

And of course - these are snarky asides by a PG kid. So - funny, cutting, sometimes devastating.

MST3K is off the menu for now. Snark is sfading a bit. Me - I'm just wondering what my next brilliant misstep will be.

Take care eco. I''m feeling your pain over here!

P.S. In the interest of full disclosure: last week in a borrrrring meeting, I was struggling to stay awake so I literally typed in my notes, "Just looking busy, typing things and nodding thoughtfully. Note to self - ask 'big picture' question in a few minutes so people think you're listening." So, well, your DS is not alone.