Originally Posted by BSM
If they don't give him a chance to hand in or redo those assignments, they are just plain wrong. If they try to remove him from the program because of that, they are just plain wrong.

And of course, I totally sympathize too. You don't want to be the "annoying parent" who complains to the school all of the time. But you have a track record of mistakes, non-compliance, and apparently a lack of problem-solving effort.
I do NOT want to be a PITA and know first-hand how difficult the first year of teaching is...but yeah.

Sat here for an hour hovering over gradebook and refreshing compulsively. DS is out of the woods and his grade is back to 93.7 (thank you, Clorox Wipes and assignments which were apparently not purged).

I was NOT looking forward to *that* fight--and no doubt it would have been a fight. Not with the teacher, but with the coordinator, who is under the impression that the most important thing is refusing to consider evidence pointing to 504 non-compliance, and not allowing me to voice concerns.

Another morning wasted, fretting over things that shouldn't be happening in the first place. As if just trying to raise this child weren't challenging enough.