Originally Posted by suevv
Please don't kid about the beer. Beer is our friend. I actually favor beer over wine. Because if I crack a bottle of wine after one of THOSE days, well it's gone.

Hang in there eco. Your kiddo is so lucky to have you in there swinging.
Yes, beer is safer, isn't it?

Thank you for the kind comment. I see so many kids in my work whose parents know nothing at all about these processes (504/RTI/IEP, etc). Nobody from the district has offered them any information--big surprise, yeah? These are usually children from low SES (primarily Medicaid) and whom one would not need any kind of advanced degree to identify as needing some help. Help is not forthcoming, parents are not educated and are under-resourced. That is a whole lot sadder than having a resistant gifted program for my 2e child who will *probably* be okay in the end because he is smart enough to compensate.

Originally Posted by blackcat
I don't know--they already have documentation, from the pediatrician stating that she has ADHD and it meets the DSM criteria. Techinically they don't even need that from an outside doc. The school psych should be licensed, she could give DD a educational diagnosis of ADHD. But they insist upon sending these docs about 6 pages worth of forms to fill out. Doc says these forms take an hour to fill out. He said "Maybe I'll just send them my notes, instead." Ummmm....that's not going to work. The school has called his office about 6 times and now they are asking me if there are other docs where they can send the forms instead. Even the school nurse admits it's ridiculous and frustrating but she says this is what she's being instructed to do. They already have, in DD's file, documentation from 3 different docs that she has ADHD. One even included a diagnosis code. But it's not good enough.
Well, I'm passing the trophy for Worst District Process Ever to you, blackcat. Our district is maddening in some respects, but (so far) we haven't had this sort of trouble. For 504--all I had to produce was a letter from doctor with diagnosis. Easy/peasy.