Originally Posted by eco21268
Fact is, the two most important "accommodations" in his 504 are not accommodations at all. They describe professional, responsible teacher behaviors of 1) keeping grade-book up to date by putting in assignments as they are made and 2) responding to my email.

Yeah, I actually was thinking this as I was reading your posts. What your son needs and what you are asking for is really just " professional, responsible teacher behavior."

I actually am having a similar problem with DS's math teacher this year. (and it turns out I am not the only person having the issue.. the parents of the NT kiddos want/need the info, too, and are also frustrated). I shot off an email to said teacher this morning - trying to stay on top of her and get her listing the assignments and such on Google Classroom every week. I had to go back through my email before I sent it and took out all the places I apologized and said "don't mean to bother you." This is her job... And it is a very simple small part of her job. She is simply being lazy. I had to take an hour out of my day (and I bill for my time!) to badger her into doing a very basic aspect of her job. And, in place of apologizing, I told her that. If she does not want to have this argument with me every week or so, she'd better shape up. I started cc'ing the principal again, because I know he does not want to be bothered with it and because it is very blatantly professional, responsible teacher behavior!