Originally Posted by mom123
I have a meeting set up with the teacher, but I am feeling a little bit stuck. If this is the school/district policy - I would assume she has had this conversation probably dozens of times with many, many parents over the years. I am guessing the conversation will go something like this: "I have tested your daughter, and she did very well. She passed her baseline assessment. But, I think she is having difficulty with "drawing references beyond the text". I will work with her over the next few weeks and I will test her again at the next level"... October goes by, November goes by and just when it is time for her to move up as per district policy - surprise, surprise - it is time for a new test. Meanwhile, she is still reading several years below her actual ability level. This is CRAZY!

I am thinking maybe have the principal attend ?... and/or maybe spec-ed director? I usually get nowhere with just the teacher - could be the teacher is stonewalling or may be the teacher's hands are tied... either way, it is helpful to start bringing in higher-ups who do have the authority to say "okay, let's see what we can do here..." ... In my son's case, he has an iep for gifted and for disabilities, so I am completely at ease involving higher-ups... not sure if you would be uncomfortable with that but I am thinking you may need to at least involve the principal? Does your child have a GIEP or anything?

Last edited by Irena; 09/23/15 05:32 PM.