Ugh. This is going to push me over the edge. I mean- they will only allow kids to be tested up to a certain level (district protocol)- then they send home books that are way too easy- because they need to be "below their instructional level" ....of course who knows what the instructional level is- since they won't test for it... So the instructional level is below the end of the year grade level standard which is way below their actual reading level. I'm just so done. Really? Now they need to read (30 minutes per day) of total crap. Then they send home this letter about how the reading is supposed to be easy (guess they are looking to pre-empt complaints)- how about preposterous? Is it supposed to be preposterous? What if you were forced to read this total crap for 30 minutes per day. I JUST DONT GET IT! How can they hold kids back like this! /rant.