I have 3 daughters, the two oldest are very "un" girly, to be fair most of their friends aren't the Disney princess type either. I was very strongly anti-Disney as well but I doubt they'd have been very interested anyway. They're socially skilled but the most important interests they share with their friends are sports, physical playtime and reading.

My youngest daughter is quite different. We've mellowed over time and we've limited the Disney to Frozen (we watch very little TV/DVDs) but she adores the characters, the music, the bl$$dy plaits and the costumes. My toddler son does too - he loves to dress up as Anna and/or Elsa. I think they'd like anything involving music and fun costumes though, they are enraptured by the nursery rhyme sessions at the library whereas my two older kids would always drift away quickly.

All of mine learned about the Disney Princesses through the original fairy stories, although I waited till they were at school before the proper "The Little Mernaid". My main issue with Disney was the sanitising of the original stories - and my kids love the delicious grimness of the original tales. I'm also not hugely fond of the rescue fantasy themes within most of them, this is probably why I can tolerate Frozen more than the others.