I mean, we don't ever listen to commercial radio here, because we hate it, but DD is free to listen to it on her MP3 player (it has a radio) if she wants to. You don't want to be that parent who forbids The Popular Music, IMO. We have music on a lot of the time and the kids have developed interests and preferences, DD in particular. Her very cool music teacher says she has the best taste of any her students. (excuse me while I kvell)

Anyway, what I was going to say is that music is kind of a non-issue at this age but you might want to make sure she's seen Frozen, etc and the standard popular movies. It might be good to have some vague familiarity with popular iPad games, too. I mean, if this kind of thing concerns you. We try to make sure the kids know about some of this stuff so they're not just totally off in our own personal family nerdworld at all times. Of course, we still don't have cable.