Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
As for pop influences that are toxic for girls-- yeah. I hear that concern, and echo it. But Anaconda doesn't even register relative to the ubiquitous images of eating disordered teen role models featured in every square inch of media, coupled with clothing for young girls which is-- frankly-- bordering on OBSCENE in terms of modesty and, well-- coverage.

Anyone who has parented a girl knows this through bitter experience-- once you leave TODDLER sizing, everything is "sexy" unless you make a very concerted effort to find the (increasingly rare) gems here and there, or opt to pay a small fortune for brands that cater to the preppy look instead.

There is something seriously wrong when a parent can't find a one-piece swimsuit with full coverage-- for one's tiny, six year old daughter.

THAT, I worry about far more than any music video on Youtube.

We tackled it head-on, and dragged that toxic influence out into the open where we could poke and prod it and torture it until it confessed that it was after DD's self-worth. wink

She's wise to it-- and I have no regrets whatsoever.


DD was in a Halloween costume contest at age 4(!) when the trophy was given to an off-the-shelf "sexy devil" costume. This is what you get when you invite the cheerleaders from local pro sports teams to be your judges. *gag*

Since there's no hiding DD from this kind of unhealthy messaging, our role is to drag it out into the light of day, and show it to DD in all its ugliness. Here again, the internet has been a helpful tool, particularly the results of the search terms "photoshop fails."