Originally Posted by Val
Lady Gaga went to CTY summer camps, so if you're trying to protect your kids from the evils of popular culture, CTY camps may not get you there. smirk
Just have to say that, as much as we could probably be characterized as music snobs...we think Lady Gaga is extremely talented as well. Her duet album with Tony Bennett (granted, not a pop album) currently has a place of prominence in our household playlist, as does some other pop.

Of course, SO is an audio professional, so we have an odd collection of music, sometimes selected on the basis of the producer/engineer/recording studio. I think there may be some tracks that were acquired based on equipment/recording techniques used!

Ongoing discussion in this house about the balance of musical education: classical, jazz, rock, pop, etc. But not much sense that kids need pop culture/music to fit in.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...