Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Our social currency stuff for DD was pretty carefully selected. It's not like we kept her away from everything else, by any means. Nothing is verboten here, really-- but you have to be willing to tolerate being questioned about your choices, that's all. So why do you think that Justin Bieber is "the greatest" then? What do you mean by that?
One thing I learned from my childhood was that anything forbidden that other kids are allowed is somehow sweeter. So along those lines I didn't go out to expose my kids to popular culture but I allowed them to explore it within reason. (Such as limits on TV time, age appropriateness.)

The stage when my DD20 liked Hanna Montana made me cringe but she was a preteen at the time. I tried on numerous occasions to talk about why it made me uncomfortable but I still let her watch. I was so much happier when a friend turned her onto Dr. Who.