Our social currency stuff for DD was pretty carefully selected. It's not like we kept her away from everything else, by any means. Nothing is verboten here, really-- but you have to be willing to tolerate being questioned about your choices, that's all. So why do you think that Justin Bieber is "the greatest" then? What do you mean by that?

Pop culture currency for DD (over the years, I mean):

Disney movies

PBS kid shows (even Caillou, which I loathed with every fiber of my being)

Books-- whatever, whenever, and yeah, Captain Underpants was King for a while.

Wii games, some of them potty-humor based (but no xbox)

DSi personal gaming console, and games for it

Television-- DD has seen enough reality television to know what it is (American Idol, DWTS, Survivor, Amazing Race, and the cooking shows-- and enough to have little interest in Big Brother or other trashier fare along those lines), The Simpsons, Walking Dead (okay, that's her dad's influence), South Park. Sports, but DD really only likes Olympic events and baseball.

BBC television shows-- she is a long-time Doctor Who fan, and has been pleased to discover that this makes her "cool" with most peers.

Pokemon, though we've had to limit this one.

Tabletop RPG (again, we've imposed limits).

That seems to give her enough in common with peers that she can navigate her way to finding a group of friends with ease. Cards Against Humanity, she discovered all on her own. blush Then again-- do recall that DD is nearly 16, and that she is a college student-- we have little control over this at this point.

If anything, we've encouraged some of this as a means of building some social currency with others, since DD hasn't been educated in a group setting where the exposure would have happened naturally.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.