Well, I wouldn't say that she is in an inappropriate learning environment. Aside from the excessive homework, we are fairly satisfied with what is being asked of her at the magnet. In particular, she is experiencing failure and growth in math, which is huge. She's learning how to get stuff wrong and not freak. The many special projects at this school also allow her to stretch herself.

The teacher is another story. No, we aren't the only parents who are unhappy, but school admin is not likely to be helpful. We have decided to take our lumps, basically. She's a dragon, but a relatively predictable dragon, and in some ways, DD probably benefits from a teacher who will not back down or let her argue her way out of things.

But I wonder what you think the teacher will provide that will help you at home - I think it would be worthwhile to hear what the teacher says, and maybe subtly try to inquire as to any of the things you are worried about - but its highly unlikely the teacher will provide useful means to correct the problems you are having with DD.

Let me clarify. I don't expect the teacher, esp. this one, to help us deal with the problems at home. I just want to know if she is seeing what we see, and also to check in on DD's social progress as seen by another adult. As far as I can tell, DD is popular and well-accepted, but this surprises us a little, given her emotional immaturity and somewhat combative nature. Also, if we do do more testing (and we probably will), it would be good to know if the school feels it is seeing significant behavioral concerns (I guess not, judging by the teacher's comments...but still).

We have had a few comments about negativity, backtalk, and argumentativeness from the teacher. That's certainly in line with what we see. But it must be MUCH less than we get at home, or DD would be in the principal's office every day. As far as I know she has not received any disciplinary consequences of note all year. They use a blue/green/yellow/red behavior system, or something like that, where we would be notified if she moved down too far.

Last edited by ultramarina; 01/09/13 11:49 AM.