Completely ridiculous! Sorry, it is their job to meet with parents, regardless of the students' grades. I get that they have a lot of conferences to set up, but that is no excuse. You could always respond that if it is a scheduling issue (not enough time slots) you would be happy to reschedule for another day, but you feel that it is important that you meet with them to discuss these issues.

I haven't hit middle school yet, but at our elementary school, spring conferences are "optional". I, of course, always sign up for one anyways though. Even for fall, I think I was a bit of an oddball because I requested a conference with DS's math teacher. He is in accelerated math with a different teacher from his home room, so I could not get answers to my questions from her. From the reaction (not negative, just a little surprised) I think I was the only one who requested this, but why wouldn't I? And why don't other parents?

My feeling on your situation is that it is ridiculous to tell parents that they should be involved and supportive of their children's education and then tell them not to come talk to the teachers. They just need to deal with it. I would thank them for their time and acknowledge that they have alot on their plate, but then emphasize how important it is for your and your child to maintain solid communication between parent and teacher.

Good luck!