in this situation, I would insist on the conference too

... but just wondering, in this day and age, why does anyone even want a conference in person when email seems so much more convenient? When I used to go to my stepson's conferences (he just graduated high school earlier this year), I always felt like I'm "not equal" ... I'm just there to let it all fall on me and the teachers didn't really listen what I had to say anyways. Then when emails became more common I felt more on level with them and actually got a lot accomplished too! AND had a paper trail!

DS4 just started public preschool two weeks ago and their conferences are on Monday. And while he's 2E and I'm sure the teacher and I would have a lot to talk about, I told her I am not going to waste her time since she already let me know by email (when I asked) that he has adjusted really well and there are no issues at the moment. I just asked her to let me know ASAP should anything arise. One or two conferences a year just seem so insufficient!