Originally Posted by petunia
For example, yesterday, he got home at 4:30 and had a snack and then went to piano lesson, and got home about 5:40. I told him to get right on his homework because he had a scout meeting at 7 and he asked for 5 minutes of downtime. So, 5 minutes later, I told him his time was up, and to get busy. He finally got around to getting his homework out at about 6:20. I have no idea what he was doing in that time - daydreaming, creating sand castles in his head, solving the mystery of the universe, who knows? Ten minutes later, supper was ready so he ate and went back to his homework about 6:40. He "worked" on it until 8:00 when I told him to put it away and play with his dad. "What'll I do about it? It's due tomorrow?". I told him I didn't know but that he had had plenty of time to do it.

This sounds like one my my normal days at work.