Originally Posted by mountainmom2011
I'm still waiting to her back from the psychologist about the raw scores before scheduling a meeting. But I'm wondering if knowing how far above 19 she went on those subtests even really matter for that meeting. Will they even understand what that means, heck, I'm not sure I even understand completely what hitting the ceiling means. But I would like to know what was her limit for each subtest.

It's probably not going to matter for the school meeting. You already have a PRI score that is very high. Still, I understand the desire to "know." I felt that way and that was my first post to this forum. Like your DD, our DD's original score was already high enough for DYS and just about everything else. A few years down the road, we haven't ever had a need to use the extended norm score versus the "lower" original score. I guess my message is satisfy your curiosity but don't expect it to make a huge practical difference.