Originally Posted by Dottie
The FSIQ without extended norms, would be 141, for what that's worth. The GAI would be 146. The extended norms seem to raise her subtest score by 10 or 11 points (there are two totals that give a FSIQ of 149). These 10 points are split amongst the three 19's. It's impossible to say at this point whether one subtest was 28 and the other two 20's, or some more balanced combo. Assuming a fair split, her 19's would have moved to the 22-23 range. Impressive! It's also impossible to give her extended GAI, as Digit Span doesn't feed into that, and at least one of those extended subtest points went there.

Did they do achievement data? That's a very important piece of the decision making. A comprehensive test like the WIAT or the WJ would really help with the decision making.

Good luck! I don't have any tangible advice, but wanted to weigh in on the numbers.

Thank you so much for figuring that out for me the best you could. smile So if I ask the psychologist for the raw scores in those subtests it will tell me how far above 19 she went? I'm curious to know where those 10 or 11 points came from.

So does this mean her actual iq is 141 or is it still 149?

And thank you for letting me know about the test order, so I'm nearly certain her lower VCI has nothing to do with shyness.

I think you guys are right about achievement testing being important in advocating for subject acceleration. I'm thinking she wouldn't be as advanced in achievement testing as she is with her IQ score. We really don't do any enrichment or school work outside of school. Only time is if I'm working with older dd and younger dd wants to do a workbook page or two on her own. Other than that she just enjoys reading and writing stories.

Last week was the first week of school and this evening she is upset about going back to school tomorrow. She has rarely complained about going to school and I'm surprised she's already not wanting to go. She had been looking forward to school for nearly a month.

Last edited by mountainmom2011; 09/29/12 08:56 PM.