Originally Posted by polarbear
I wouldn't worry about the gap in VIQ vs PRI, but I would watch the written output challenges given her relatively "low" coding score. Our ds has the same type of spread in coding, had frustration with slow written output at school in K/1 *and* had some pretty severe tantruming, stomping of feet, etc at home in K/1 while being a model student at school. We didn't make any connections until 2nd grade when the written output demands increased significantly and ultimately we discovered through a full neuropsych eval that he is dysgraphic.

Re school for this year, I'd think through what you want for your dd (grade skip, differentiation, etc) and then take the report to the school and advocate for it.

Best wishes,


Meant to reply to this earlier and missed it... sorry!

Thank you for the heads up about the writing output. Other than her kindergarten teacher's comment about her showing frustration last year I don't really see it as a big issue, at home anyway. Writing stories is her favorite thing to do and while it may not be the neatest she seems to write freely (fluidly) and not care to much about it being perfect nor showing any frustration at home. I don't think she is average in her writing capabilities (advanced in spelling though) and I'm guessing it will improve as she gets a little older. But as you suggested, I will be on the lookout down the road for any difficulties when she gets to the higher grades. Thanks!