Originally Posted by Grinity
The trick is to do a career that agrees with their values.


I knew I'd need to interact one-to-one, in a fairly consentrated and hands-on way, and that I'd love interacting a large number of people. I knew that the job had to be one that supported me while being unambiguously helpful for the people I served.

This kind of self-knowledge is the stuff that I think is really helpful. Well done, Grinity! It's what I was getting at about needing the career path to be practical for you. If you are someone who needs one-on-one contact, you shouldn't choose a job that requires you to work alone, nor should you choose one that puts you in front of huge groups. THIS is the kind of nuts-and-bolts self-knowledge that I think kids need to get before they choose a career.

It's also what I didn't do...

So the key, I think, is KNOW THYSELF!
