Originally Posted by st pauli girl
Re: Kriston/OHGrandma - raising future adults. I have a concern that come from my parents' support of me. They always told me I could be whatever I wanted to be. I always thought this was very cool of them. But this caused problems when it turned out I was pretty good at everything, and I couldn't decide on what I really wanted to do for work. I still don't know. How do you prepare your kids for this possibility or avoid it?

This is a great question that I'd love an answer for! My parents always said the same thing. But then my father would mutter under his breath "as long as it pays your rent". I always felt an underlying pressure to pursue something fiscally responsible rather than perhaps following my true passions. I was a bit tortured in college choosing a major and it came down to what I was most GT in, and not necessarily what would have engaged and challenged me most. Which could possibly go all they way back to staring out the window for 8 years and underachieving (like 'neato!).

And I do agree Kriston that "doing what you love" isn't always the right path either. But there is a fine line. I would hope a career would engage you and continue to teach you for the long term. I also wonder if just not being under challenged and disengaged constantly in school is going to make a difference for these kids in helping them make some of these decisions?

I have BS degrees in math and Computer Science. And at certain points in my career this was creative, dynamic, and fun work (i.e. designing and building new web applications). At other times it has been pure mind numbing torture. crazy Sometimes I just wish I would have taken a slightly different path. Possibly still using these skills - maybe to teach, maybe in architecture or design, etc.