CFK, I worry about just that, although DS's biggest issue is sensory-related, not GT. My biggest problem is that only the professionals and those with similar children understand how difficult it is for DS to function in that huge school everyday - you should see the hallways in the morning when 1100 5-8 year olds get off the bus and are putting their things in their lockers. It looks like the Lexington Avenue subway at rush hour, but with more physical contact. He doesn't like it, but he manages. Other kids don't even notice. For how long do we keep trying to bang the square peg into the round hole, and at what personal cost to him? As he says, he's missed out on his childhood. That's a sad statement coming from an at the time 6 year old. Ideally, he needs a small school which can address both his GT and his 2E. The problem is that there isn't one. We can choose one, or the other. Now what do we do?