OHGrandma - I'm totally there with you in thinking that you don't have to do just one thing. I worked in coffee shops and retail, worked in a hospital micro lab, helped write AIDS grants, worked for a medical research journal. Still bored, I went to law school. Law school was fun. I clerked at appellate court, edited at legal publishing co., helped someone get asylum, worked for legal info website, worked as "real lawyer." Hated being a real lawyer. I luckily got pregnant so I could worry about something else for awhile. I guess I'm still searching for what I love to do. So really, I'm writing on my own pitiful behalf, but still want to prepare my child so he doesn't end up like me! (sorry. off on tangent.)

Kriston - I like your idea of doing career explorations. I never really did that. I went to law school before I knew what lawyers really did!

I'm sorry your experience of doing what you love has turned sour. I'm still hoping that if I find something I love, I'll be set. I have to be more active like OHGrandma to actually find this though.

Here's what I do now. When DS4 is excited about something and talking about it all the time, I mention that there are people who do that for jobs, and wouldn't that be fun? So I'm just starting by planting it in his head that there are lots of fun and interesting jobs out there. I hope to teach him that if he has enough skills in whatever, he can take those skills with him (I don't think there are forever jobs anymore.)