Originally Posted by kimck
I also wonder if just not being under challenged and disengaged constantly in school is going to make a difference for these kids in helping them make some of these decisions?

Kimck - I am hoping this is it. I am hoping that if we challenge our GT kids enough, they will be drawn to what they want to do and will be enabled to do it at whatever level they want.

I'm sorry you felt the pressure to do something fiscally responsible. I think that just comes with the territory of being GT, and not necessarily with your father's "as long as it pays the rent" comments. You're just more responsible anyway. I did the same thing in the end. But as an undergrad, I started to follow my dream, but then quit when I discovered I had enough credits to graduate! (I started as a theatre major, changed to French, changed to architecture, then the school gave me loads of credit for testing into higher french, so I was outta there!)