DH and I had the exact same problem you had, so we're very aware of it, too, SPG.

Our kids are only 3 and 6, so we're not yet *too* worried about this. But I expect to be a bit more directive/"pushy" about IDing my kids' special talents for them aloud than my parents were with me. And I plan to try to do more career exploration and interning with my kids, even at a young age, than my very well-meaning and generally excellent parents did for me. The sooner you can start weeding out things you don't want to do, the sooner you can start deciding what you DO want to do.

I think I'll also try to talk more about what they *enjoy* doing most and try to help them to think about those activities in terms of careers. I'm not necessarily a big believer in "doing what you love," though, as in taking a hobby and making it your career. In my personal experience, I think that can kill one's love of the hobby. Rather, I think it's important to select a career that involves duties and ideas that you care about but can do day-in and day-out for the rest of your life. That's a very different set of requirements than "do what you love."

I think of finding a career like finding a spouse: you not only need someone you love, you need someone you can live with, too! wink
