"It is a very interesting question and one of my favorite types since in my opinion it doesn't have a correct answer"

I really love how you put that elh.

CFK-this is a valid and legitimate question and concern and I think it's totally appropriate to put it out here.

We're all a product of our experiences!
I've posted some of my story, but basically I feel I had been severely damaged by my parents and the schools inability to recognize significant sensitivities and overexcitabilities that are a part of my giftedness. And I do consider it a gift to be overly perceptive and imaginative and creative. It was certainly good intentions that drove their need to have me fit and and just be like everyone else, tough love as you will. But we all know what "they" say about good intentions smile
So, now it's my turn the make the decisions, God bless my parents! smile
And I'm sure I'll fumble the ball a bit, but I feel pretty confident that at the end of the game, my kids are going to walk away as winners, in every sense of the word.
Say my child IS a round peg in a square peg school. I've chosen not to totally isolate her from the puzzle. And that's my decision to make and I'll fully support and defend anyone whose made or will make a contrary decision, by the way.
BUT, when no one is looking I will sand the edges of that square hole a bit, to make the fit more comfortable. Does that hurt my child? I guess that remains to be seen. If anyone is sure they have THE answer, for sure, please let me know!!!!!!!!!

Love me or hate me, but remember, I come in peace!!!!!!!!
