Originally Posted by CFK
I heard this one the radio this morning and it got me thinking. I'm all for accomodations, etc., but at what point do we go too far? Every child has difficulties in life they must learn to face. Do we remove every stumbling block?

I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth, CFK. Sorry if it seemed that way. But it is my opinion that what you're describing here would probably be indulgent and would NOT raise kids with the kind of values that I/we want them to have. FWIW...

Having just seen a child behaving VERY badly, with his mom using his GTness and sensitivity and every other excuse in the book to justify that behavior, and having just vented about it with a friend/parent of a GT child that it is possible to be GT AND well-behaved (!!!), I think there maybe *should* be some negative value attached to going too far with accomodations. (I just haven't seen anyone here doing that.)

I guess to me it's like the judge's ruling in that big pornography case some years ago: "I may not know the definition of going too far with accomodations, but I know it when I see it..." wink

I do think that as long as we're all asking the question, we're probably doing okay. The mom I keep referring to wasn't even asking the question. Ugh.
