Originally Posted by CFK
I read so many posts on this board about problems children are facing and it is always attributed to giftedness. I have the benefit of seeing the issue from both sides. I have one ND child and he has the same kinds of problems - would rather stay home from school, doesn't like the noise in the cafeteria, doesn't like the misbehaving kids, hasn't always had a close friend every year of his life, etc. These are not gifted problems for him. He is not under challenged or underplaced. They are just everyday, ordinary problems. Do you think that the concept of giftedness becomes blinders on us sometimes?

I love that you brought this up. I have wondered about this several times myself. I see lots of ND kids who have the same types of problems and they are just everyday, ordinary problems. I know ND kids who have stomach aches every day and don't want to go to school, who cry for the first several months of kindy (or older) because they don't want to be there, who's mothers have to walk up to get them at dismissal because they don't want to wait for the car line to go through, etc. They are having some adjustment problems but it has nothing to do with them being GT.

I certainly hope that I am preparing my children for the journey and not the other way around. Yes, I do want them to have the best possible educational fit they can have, but there is always going to be other types of problems that will come up. And I do want them to be resilient and able to tackle whatever comes their way.

Thanks for this thought provoking thread!!! (and I mean no offense to anyone either!) smile