Originally Posted by annette
Originally Posted by ABQMom
This is what I was addressing with my reply to you. Not that I don't think kids should be respectful, but what about coloring nails quietly in class isn't respectful. That seems a lot more about the teacher wanting to control the class rather than teach the class.


I don't think coloring one's nails with a marker by itself is disrespectful. However, as a teacher I can see how it can be distracting to other students and why the teacher asked her to stop. Markers are for writing/drawing/coloring with on paper, not the body. How a student responds to a teacher's request to stop doing an activity such as that could be disrespectful.

When you are in a group (whether it's sports, clubs, or school) the teacher/leader has to maintain some sort of structure or control over the kids. It can't be a free-for-all or it just wouldn't work. That's part of being in a group.

Last edited by mountainmom2011; 02/22/12 03:06 PM.