Well I hope you find ways to help her, testing the teacher and discomfort with writing can all be reasons. Writing is a big issues w/ my DD and other walls she runs into which is why we've scheduled more/different testing for the spring. DD has had lots of bad experiences with teachers and it took her a couple of months this year with a new one to warm up. It's sort of going so, so, but I agree with the poster who mentioned that it's the teacher's responsibility to gage the class. If there is so much flicking of things and hair twirling, maybe it's time to learn something new.

Anyway, in the short term mention to your DD the little object at the edge of the desk thing, that might work for a bit.

School is so different now and I believe that kids need to learn to be respectful and well-behaved, but it takes time and there is always room for growth. Even as adults there is so much room for growth.

I rememember braiding the fringe on my poncho in church because I was so bored, and getting dirty looks from the grown-ups for giggling when a priest was especially dramatic during the homily and it seemed so funny, with everyone so quiet and all the adults looking forward, most of them with glazed eyes.

It's all the big picture. I loose the big picture with my DD too and then come back just like you did.