bzylzy-we are fortunate to have a "home study" school in our District. So, it's really homeschooling but they supply the books, consumables, etc, including some teacher's editions when needed. We do the real "schooling" at home, then she has one day a week that her class meets. I think they actually call it a study group. The main draw for that is science experiments. All the elementary grades have a 3 (plus half hour lunch) day like that. Then they have other activities and classes that are optional. Butter actually goes to orchestra (violin) for 45 min 2x per week and also has guitar, multimedia and back to back drawing and elementary art for 3 hours on Friday morning! Lots of times she's the only one for drawing, so it's like a private lesson.

Another friend of mine said I need to just take a breath and let it go because this is just stupid, basically, lol! Part of it is...she's not bothering or hurting any other students, throwing a tantrum or anything like seems like such insignificant stuff, honestly. My fourth grade teacher hated me for dotting all the "i's" with hearts and flowers...and I would also do homework in class in high school, only half listening...but no one ever called that defiant.

That is the part I'm kind of still trying to figure out, and not be someone who makes excuses either...I DO think Butter is testing the teacher a little, since she's had such crummy ones in the past. She doesn't know yet if the teacher respects her or values her in the classroom, I don't think. I think she's bored too though...

and maybe I DO care "too much". I would actually say we are both somewhat damaged from the previous school...and even though this has been better, this complaint sends me right back to where we were before. And even though it's better, they aren't really giving either of us what I want and am hoping to get from the school.

Then I look at my awesome kid who is learning both guitar and violin at the same time, does chores with no backtalk (including the laundry) and sells a TON of Girl Scout cookies and, well, you all know how that goes...

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...