Originally Posted by 2giftgirls
If the problem is, like the previous teacher said "Your daughter reading while other students are doing xyz compromises my authority in the classroom," I'm concerned that the teacher's focus is not teaching, but maintaining authority...

I DESPERATELY want her to "behave" but she's not bothering anyone else and she is only 8. Surely ALL the kids don't sit there like little stones and stare at the teacher all the time? lol!

Perhaps not like little stones, but like listening children. By the time they are 8, most typically developing children can sit and pay attention for 8 minutes or so to receive instruction, and look like they are paying attention. Perhaps with a few bobbles, but basically engaged.

From what you've said here, I think what the teachers and scout leaders are telling you is that your DD is not able (or not willing) to join the group and do what the group is doing, as her peers can/do. Yes, this task is harder if the instruction is beneath her level, but it's likely that some things come up that she doesn't know, and surely at scouts there are interesting projects. What I'm hearing is that she is rarely engaged in group settings with peers.

All these people are identifying a real concern, probably not to protect their authority, but because they see a problem. You can choose to ignore all of them and use giftedness as an excuse/explanation, but it is likely better for your DD if you follow up and try to address the concern.
